When you have a web site or perhaps an web application, speed is extremely important. The swifter your website functions and also the speedier your apps perform, the better for you. Since a website is just a collection of data files that connect to each other, the devices that keep and access these data files have a vital role in website general performance.

Hard disks, or HDDs, have been, right until the past few years, the most reliable products for storing information. Having said that, in recent years solid–state drives, or SSDs, have been rising in popularity. Check out our assessment chart to see whether HDDs or SSDs are more appropriate for you.

1. Access Time


SSD drives give a fresh & imaginative method of data safe–keeping according to the use of electronic interfaces in place of any sort of moving components and rotating disks. This completely new technology is quicker, allowing for a 0.1 millisecond file access time.


HDD drives still utilize the exact same general data access technique which was originally developed in the 1950s. Although it has been noticeably upgraded since then, it’s sluggish as compared to what SSDs are providing. HDD drives’ data file access speed varies between 5 and 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


As a result of the new revolutionary file storage solution shared by SSDs, they feature faster data access rates and swifter random I/O performance.

All through our trials, all of the SSDs confirmed their capacity to handle at the very least 6000 IO’s per second.


Over the exact same trials, the HDD drives proved to be considerably slower, with simply 400 IO operations maintained per second. Although this may seem like a great number, when you have a busy web server that contains numerous popular sites, a sluggish disk drive can cause slow–loading websites.

3. Reliability


SSD drives are built to include as fewer rotating components as is feasible. They use a similar technique like the one found in flash drives and are generally much more reliable as compared to conventional HDD drives.

SSDs come with an normal failure rate of 0.5%.


HDD drives employ spinning hard disks for holding and browsing files – a concept since the 1950s. And with disks magnetically hanging in the air, rotating at 7200 rpm, the prospect of anything failing are generally higher.

The regular rate of failure of HDD drives ranges amongst 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives are far small compared to HDD drives and they do not have any kind of moving components at all. Because of this they don’t generate as much heat and require less power to function and less energy for cooling down reasons.

SSDs consume amongst 2 and 5 watts.


HDD drives are known for becoming loud; they can be at risk from getting hot and when you have several disk drives in a hosting server, you will need an additional air conditioning unit exclusively for them.

As a whole, HDDs use up between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


As a result of SSD drives’ better I/O efficiency, the leading hosting server CPU will be able to process data requests more rapidly and preserve time for additional functions.

The common I/O wait for SSD drives is 1%.


HDD drives allow for reduced accessibility rates in comparison with SSDs do, resulting in the CPU having to hang around, while saving assets for the HDD to discover and return the demanded data.

The common I/O wait for HDD drives is approximately 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


In the real world, SSDs operate as admirably as they managed throughout Gigantic Server’s testing. We competed a complete system back–up on one of our own production web servers. Throughout the backup procedure, the average service time for I/O requests was in fact under 20 ms.


In comparison to SSD drives, HDDs offer significantly sluggish service rates for input/output queries. During a server backup, the common service time for any I/O query can vary somewhere between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


Discussing back–ups and SSDs – we’ve noticed a great development with the backup speed since we switched to SSDs. Right now, a typical hosting server data backup will take just 6 hours.


Over time, we’ve got employed predominantly HDD drives on our machines and we are familiar with their efficiency. With a server built with HDD drives, an entire web server backup typically takes around 20 to 24 hours.

Should you wish to promptly add to the functionality of your respective sites and never having to change just about any code, an SSD–driven website hosting service will be a good alternative. Examine Gigantic Server’s website hosting service packages and our VPS servers – our services offer swift SSD drives and can be found at good prices.

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